PILLARS APPLICATION FORMWe are so excited that you are interested in being a pillar! Please fill out the interest form below and Larry will follow-up with you soon! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### How long have you been coming to Antioch? * Have you been to an Intro to Antioch class yet? * Yes! No, not yet How long have you been going to a Lifegroup? Which one? * Pillar Commitments: Are you willing to follow through with these commitments? Pray Consistently: * - Pray consistently for our church & our leadership, and for a mighty move of God in & through NWA (feel free to come pray in the prayer room throughout the week, if you can!) Yes! I am willing to follow through with this commitment & am already praying! Yes! I am willing to follow through with this commitment & will start praying! I am willing, but I have a couple more questions. Invest Relationally in Lifegroup: * - Consistently attend a LG & contribute wherever needed to help it run smoothly if available (hosting, snacks, kids, etc.) - Invite people to come to LG (co-workers, neighbors, strangers, etc.) and help guests feel welcomed each week. Yes! I am already connected to a LG! Yes! I am not connected to a LG, but want to be connected to one! I am willing, but I have a couple more questions. Invest Relationally in Discipleship: * - Be in a d-group with a few others from LG, encouraging & holding each other accountable in your pursuit of Jesus. - Look for ways to start your own d-groups (new people from LG, co-workers, neighbors, etc.) Yes! I am already connected to a D-group! Yes! I am not connected to a D-group, but want to be connected to one! I am willing, but I have a couple more questions. Serve Joyfully on Sundays: * - Serve consistently in Antioch Kids, Worship, Connect Team, A/V, Set-up/Tear-Down, or Welcome Team. Yes! I am already on a Volunteer Team! Yes! I am not connected to a Volunteer Team, but want to join one! I am willing, but I have a couple more questions. Give Generously: * - Help fulfill the mission of our church by tithing (10% of income to Antioch NWA). - Look for ways to be generous above & beyond the tithe (needs in LG, fundraisers, campaigns, mission trips, etc.) Yes! I am already giving a 10% tithe to our church! Yes! I am not currently giving, but will start giving a 10% tithe to our church! I am willing, but I have a couple more questions. If you have questions regarding these 5 commitments, please share those questions with us below. Have you read our Doctrine? If not, please read it right now by going to antiochnwa.org/our-doctrine or clicking the link below this form. * Yes, I've read it! Do you have any questions about our Doctrine? * In addition to our Doctrinal Statement, we hold the following biblical values as key ingredients that make a healthy culture in our church body. Please choose what most accurately represents your thoughts on these biblical values: We believe the Bible is the infallible, accurate, trustworthy, and the authoritative Word of God by which we derive truth and instructions on how to live our life. (2 Tim. 3:16-17) (Psalm 119:105). Yes, I am in agreement! I have a few questions... I do not agree with this. We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that they should be encouraged & practiced in a biblical, orderly, and honorable way. (1 Cor. 12, 13, 14). Yes, I am in agreement! I have a few questions... I do not agree with this. We believe church leaders will be held strictly accountable to teaching truth, living integrous lives, walking in humility, genuinely caring for their flock, and much more. We also believe it is important for members of a church body to respect and submit to the church leadership. (James 3:1) (1 Peter 5:1-5). Yes, I am in agreement! I have a few questions... I do not agree with this. We believe marriage is defined by God as one man and one woman being joined together as one flesh for life. We also believe there are only two genders, male and female. (Genesis 1:27, 2:24) (Matthew 19:6). Yes, I am in agreement! I have a few questions... I do not agree with this. If you selected "I have a few questions..." or "I do not agree with this" for any of the above questions, please explain more here. Do you have any questions or comments about your answers above or anything not mentioned? Is there anything we can pray for you for? Thank you! Larry or Sarah will follow-up with you soon! Click HERE to read Our Doctrine.