PILLARS INTEREST MEETING Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### How long have you been coming to our church? * < 1 month 3-6 months 6-12 months > 1 year Which one describes your current engagement with our church: * I'm brand new! I've been coming consistently on Sundays, but I'm not in a lifegroup yet. I've been coming consistently on Sundays & I am connected to a lifegroup. Which lifegroup are you currently connected to? * College - JBU College - U of A YA - Tuesday YA - Wednesday (Amberwood) YA - Wednesday (Hampton St) Family - Paul's/Greenwade's/Biar's Family - Tarankov's/Jones' Family - Biar's I'm currently not in a lifegroup Which one best describes your interest with joining Pillars? * I am interested and want to join! I am going to need some more time to think about it and/or have some more questions. I think I am going to hold off joining for now. Any questions/comments you have for us? Thank you!